Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas is over

and I am so glad I didn't overindulge. The only extra I had was 3 glasses of bubbly on xmas day and 2 beers on boxing day but food was pretty good and I have got to say that over all I was glad I didn't stuff myself and glad I stuck to Turkey and salad with a small taste of dessert.

So, surgery wise I am very happy with my boobs, but I am still suffering with my infection although it is slowly getting better. I saw a surgeon on xmas eve as my surgeon is currently in Adelaide and he put a needle in my boob to try and drain this infection/lump. I think this has helped as it is slowly going down but I have a long way to go. This has put my exercise back another few weeks so won't be doing much until after I see my surgeon on 21st January but to be honest I can tell I am no where near lifting weights for a while. I am ok with this at the moment strangely enough! My gym membership is up for renewal and for the time being I am not renewing it until I decide what I want to achieve. I just can't wait to start feeling normal again and being allowed to exercise again as it has been 5 weeks tomorrow and I was supposed to be able to be back at the gym on the 6 week mark.

On another note, hubby and I bought ourselves a WII for xmas. Oh my god it is so much fun! I can't wait until my boobs are better so I can fully get into it. Of course I bought all the fitness ones but for me this will not replace my fitness sessions but these will be my fun sessions whilst doing something different!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fat Arse!

I knew I had a fat ass but seriously I just had the worst bather shopping experience. Why do they make bikini bottoms so tiny? I opted for some short billabong shorts and a bikini top, more flattering for my figure but this really has me upset as I work my butt off in the gym and eat well most of the time so it makes me want to give up if i can't have the ass i want!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Detox done and dusted

Ok so detox went fine. I must admit I only did it for 6 days instead of 7 but I had really bad dirrahea and didn't really want to do another day. I had no cravings whilst on it and didn't feel particularly hungry so that was good.

On another note for the first time in my life I am not missing the gym at all. This is really odd as this is the longest I haven't exercised for. Now I know before I had this surgery I was getting really bored of the gym and at the moment I have no desire to go back. I do have another 4 weeks anyway before I am allowed to exercise but it has got me thinking about what I really want and how I want to go about it. For some reason my body actually looks better since I haven't been to the gym than when I have been working out really hard so I am not sure why. So this has got me thinking of maybe taking a gentler approach to exercise, maybe incorporating some pilates with some weights and cardio. My legs actually look smaller which i am happy about, they just need to be tighter so maybe I am working too hard at the gym. Who knows, all I know is all the effort I put in seems to not be paying off, I why be so obsessive about my diet when at the end of the day I am not even competing? You know what my goals truly are now, to have a fit and functional body. Sure I want to be lean and toned but you know what, I don't really care about how much muscle I have. Going back a couple of months ago, yeah I wanted to build muscle but I am sick and tired of just trying too hard. So I think I am going to slow down a little and just mix things up a little. I have 2 little kids to look after on very little sleep and the last thing I want to do really is kill myself at the gym, and this is how I feel.

My membership is up for renewal at the end of December and I will probably re-new but to be honest I am so tempted just to work out at home as I do have a gym set-up but I think I know deep down this may not work for me as I do believe I need to get away from the house to get the motivation and peace and quiet to work out. The other option was to do pilates and join the pilates studio as a member and then possibly do 2 weights workouts a week at home, although this is a more expensive option than the gym.


Thursday, December 3, 2009


So today is day 1 of detox. I am doing the Quick Cleanse detox which basically is no processed food, dairy, meat of any kind etc but lots of veggies, fruit, salad sandwiches for lunch, oats and fruit for brekky, and bean dishes for dinner. I wanted to do a detox that had real food and wansn't simply a fad. So day 1 is going well. I am really surprised I haven't been at all hungry and have had to use my watch to remember to eat otherwise I would have gone without eating. It is nice to have bread in the diet which I don't normally have. I am doing this for only 1 week as after surgery I want to clean my body of all the drugs and stuff that have gone into my system. I am severly bloated which I am putting down to the anesthetic and I look about 5 months pregnant. It doesn't help that I can't exercise either, but I am sure once I get back into it in about 6 weeks changes will happen quickly.

I am still really sore but probably improving about 10% each day which is a start. I will start back at the gym on Tuesday which means I would have had a complete 2 weeks of rest, and then that will only be riding the bike for 4 weeks.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I am thinking the workout I had the day before surgery may not have been a good idea.

I had my implants behind the muscle which I knew was going to be painful and take a longer recovery but hell I didn't know it was going to be this bad. I think we take for granted how much we use the pecs in every day life and how often we use our arms. The reason I went behind the muscle is I had very little breast tissue so it needed to be done this way, plus it will look more natural on my frame.

So one week down and I am still feeling very sore and sorry for myself. I have been told this can last for a while. I have yet to appreciate my new boobs as I just want to get back to normal. I don't regret for a moment having it done but I will never, ever get it done again. Lets hope I will never need to. I haven't even thought about training and to be honest at this point I really don't care about it!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good Training

Woke up again tired today, doesn't help that Jay woke up at 5.20am. So I wanted to get in 1 more workout before my surgery tomorrow even though I really didn't feel like it and had no motivation again. Dragged my butt to the gym and decided I wasn't going to stick to my program and seeing it would only be for 1 day and I won't be training again for 6 weeks I decided to do a full body workout and would just decide what to do when I got to gym aslong as I did an hour. So I warmed up on the bike for 5 mins, then did:
3 x 20 walking lunges on each leg with 4 kg superset with 3 x 20 shoulder presses
3 x 20 tricep rope pulldowns superset with 3 x 20 bicep curls
3 x 15 smith machine chest press superset with 3 x 20 db squats
3 x 20 seated row superset with 3 x 20 crunches
3 x 20 bb deadlifts superset with 3 x 20 machines crunches
10 mins bike
So I think I covered everything and acheived what I set out to do. The good thing was it had my heart rate up so I would have burnt more calories, and it was nice to do the lighter weights with higher reps rather than the lower reps heavy weights I have been doing. It was nice also to walk out the gym feeling like I have worked out but not feeling like I have killed myself.
The other thing I noticed was I did the deadlifts with a 22.5kg barbell and I could actually feel it working. So why then when I use the squat rack barbell loaded with 20kg (I think total it is 4okg) and it is heavy, do I not feel it so much?

So wish me luck for surgery tomorrow!

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is my problem?

Warning: Winey post ahead!

I am tired and cranky! No its not the time of the month. This week I have been really struggling with the gym again. I have been fine with my weights but severe DOMS has made me tired and cranky. At the moment I am finding it really hard having DOMS and trying to look after my babies (no not my boobs, my kids!). I almost feel I can't cope with everything! I am wondering perhaps if I am overtraining? I know after Tuesday next week when I get my boobs done I will be having some time off training which I think will do me the world of good, but I also battle with myself mentally. I feel I train hard enough and am at the point where my body is not quite where I would like it. One half of me wants to be super lean with muscle as I think its very sexy, but the other half of me feels like why I am putting in all the effort and not reaping the results especially if it is making me so tired. I need the energy to be able to look after my children properly. It makes me wonder if I should change my training and just train to be happy and fit rather than focus on how much I can lift and what I look like.

I am toying with the idea of maybe doing some pilates but again that would mean not doing some weight training as I only have 6 days I can train and won't fit it all in. Since having Bailey I can't seem to get my stomach flat and I know my abs have not tied back together, so wondering if I should do some pilates to get my core back and for flexibility and then throw a couple of days of weights in just to keep my muscles where they are. Oh who knows what to do I think I put too much effort into thinking about my fitness. HELP!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nothing really

to report that is. Still doing my turbulence training at the gym, have one more week to go then I will be getting my boobs done and therefore no training for 6 weeks. So my plan of action or no action I should say will be putting my gym membership on hold for 2 weeks, so I will be doing nothing but resting for 2 weeks. After this time I will go back to the gym for 4 weeks but ONLY sit on the recumbant (not sure if that is how it is spelt) so I am keeping the body moving without putting my boobs in jeapardy. After spending this sort of money of them I really need to listen to the surgeon. Once the 6 week mark hits I will do a 12 week challenge but obviously be careful in that region. It's really my lower half anyway that needs the 12 week challenge it does need to catch up to the top half so am not worried if I only have to go light with the upper body.

I have noticed though this last week I am really struggling at the gym again. I do have my period so maybe this has something to do with it, but it starts from when I get up. I have no motivation to go and even when I start I have no motivation but I do leave after having a good workout! Maybe I just need to go back to plain old basic heavy lifting!!

Anyway enough rambling better get back to cooking.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Loving it!

Turbulence training rocks! It is good to do something different although I must admit its hard to get the mind around it sometimes, just so used to training specific bodyparts per day, but its getting my heart rate up and that is what I want. A change is as good as a holiday.

On other news I am officially redundant, which I am ok with as the money will come in handy (new boobs on the 24th!) and then I think next year will look into doing something I really want to do a couple of days a week, just need to figure out what my niche is. Am working with a career planning agency complimentary of my work, to help me figure this all out as not sure whether I should wait until the kiddies go to school or start now. I have to realise though I will never work full-time again regardless its just too hard with 2 children and I believe they need me at home.

Yes, I am getting new boobs on 24th which means no training supposedly for 6 weeks. That is going to kill me but I suppose I can walk and I am sure there are other things I can do, so will look into it, then I think I will do a 12 week challenge after to get the body firing again!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Over analysing everthing

I realise I have been overanalysing everything in order to get 'the perfect body'.

I train heavy, I train hard, I watch my diet most of the time but it is obviously not consistent enough or I would have the perfect body.

I stress each day about training, aslong as I get it in first thing in the morning I am fine, but otherwise I will panic all day until it gets completed.

What is this doing to me? With 2 young babies it is making me extremely tired. What am I going to do about it? I have just started Turbulence Training today. I do not compete so why should I train a body part per day aswell as cardio. I need something different as doing what I am already doing is obviously not working, and I want something fun and not stress about how many sets I do per bodypart etc. I want to get fit, so I am using these programs as they are fun and will certainly get me fit. Diet wise, I will eat healthy and not worry about the carb/fat/protein content of everyting I put in my mouth. It's not working for me all the overanalysing of things.

It's funny because I look at how my body looked back in my early 20's when yes I still trained at the gym 6 days a week but I didn't worry about the protein or carb content of food I just ate healthy, through some weights in 3 days a week, did bodystep, bodypump and what ever I felt like doing aslong as I was doing something, and the funny thing was I was leaner and had better abs than now.

So that's what I am going to do again. Stop all this overanalysing and just train hard, BUT enjoy it and not be so padantic about it. I have an hour each day to train so want to pack it full but start enjoying it again:) I have too many other things to worry about and the more I want to look a certain way the more I don't.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Carpet burn............from the gym!

You know this really bugs me. I did shoulders today and abs, 1/2 hour of each as can't get to the gym tomorrow as its Baileys 1st birthday party. So anyway, I use the thick padded mat with my towel on top I may add and yet I still get what I call carpet burn. Now I am by no means a fat person, I wear a size 8 but having said that I do carry about 24% body fat which is really high and I can't seem to get rid of it, but it is all on my lower body hence why I get carpet type burn doing crunches. My back is really defined and skinny in fact the area where I get carpet burn the bone just sticks out, my spine sticks out too which I can't help but why oh why does my lower body look like its never seen any weights of anykind and yet I work it heavy. Maybe I am doing something wrong, maybe I need to diet like a competitor for the rest of my life???? who knows, but it gives me the SH***! So now I am walking around with what looks like carpet burn on my back!

Thanks Jeh for your comment about the noodles, I will have a look around!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Miracle Noodles

Does anyone know in Perth where I can get these?

Back at the gym, doing something a bit different at the moment. 1 lower body heavy workout, 1 upper body heavy workout, 2 x circuit workouts with weights with 20 mins interval cardio training, 2 days of cardio. This is different to my 4 day weight split and only doing for a few weeks to shake things up and for something different really until I can get my mind around creating a new program for myself. At the end of next month I will be having surgery again and won't be able to train for about 6 weeks so I am thinking after this of doing a 12 week challenge again with an online trainer, takes the guesswork out of it for me!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Still 2 weeks away

OK still 2 weeks away until I am allowed to go back to gym however I have started powerwalking for the time being. I powerwalked to the gym today to ask them instead of suspending my membership for 3 weeks like I had, could I change it to 2 weeks which means I can go back to the gym on Monday and start using the bike and xtrainer because I am getting sick of walking every day. I just need to do different things and the weather has also not been good so at least that way I can sit on the bike and read a magazine.

I have been reading a great book by Matt Thom and Monica Wright, world fitness champions and I have decided that when I have the all clear from the surgeon I am going to follow their program for 12 weeks for a bit of a change. This will be quite different for me as I am used to doing heavy weights and splitting my body parts, but its the way they train and and eat and they look great so seeing as I am not competing I thought why not train a bit differently and see what happens. It really is a fantastic read, I was so impressed with the book I sent them an email and told them what a great read it is. The action manual is good to and I will be using it when I start their program.

On another note I have noticed what appears to be a lump by where I had the hernai repaired. Now I'm not sure if its just swelling and maybe my swelling has gone down except in this little area and that's why it looks and feels like a lump, but it is really sore. I'm hoping it is swelling and I haven't done anything else as I don't want to be back to square one, but I'm feeling sorer than I have done the last few days. HMMMMMM will see how it goes over the next few days, not due to see surgeon until Oct 5th but if it doesn't settle in the next 2 days may give him a call and see if I should get it checked.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lost a kilo

Stood on the scales this morning fearing my weight would be up due to sitting on couch doing nothing all week trying to recover from this hernia op, and to my surprise I have lost a kilo. Now I am sure this would not be fat so I am thinking its probably muscle but I suppose the good news is I haven't put any weight on yet. Two weeks to go and counting until I can go back to gym. I am hoping to start at least walking or doing something gentle as of Monday. My diet hasn't been the best but it hasn't been too bad either, apart from today I had a scone but I am going to count this as my lunch as I am not hungry for lunch so whilst not the best choice I am sure my overall calories will be within limits today. I don't count calories but hey at least I didn't have the scone aswell as lunch!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The pain...

Ok back from hernia op. Hernia was bigger than expected and I am in alot of pain. Stayed in hospital overnight due to the pain. This is really killing me people, have to walk first before I can even think of doing gentle exercise. Doctor says I am in more pain because I had a lot of muscle there, what he means is I am fit!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Going in on Friday to have a small hernia around my belly button sewn up. This means no weights for 3 weeks, this is going to kill me! Will have to really tighten up the diet I think so I don't go backwards. Been really slack in that department aswell.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

I find this very odd

Its very strange that is seems when I tighten the belt on my nutrition and really watch what I eat I seem to struggle to loose weight according to the scale. Now I know the scale is not the bee all and end all but I do use it out of interest to see what my weight is as my clothes never seem to get tight so I can't use that as a tool. Yet, when I don't worry what I am eating and even have some chocolate and dessert thrown in here and there I loose weight. What is that all about? Does it mean maybe I shouldn't follow a plan and worry about what I am eating and just enjoy what I eat? When I don't worry about what I am eating there is definatley more carbs in my diet? Strange hey?

Friday, August 28, 2009

I need a new breakfas

Ok I have been eating oats and egg whites for about 5 years now even when i was pregnant as I love them and they feel me up, however I am now finding they fill me up too much and I think its time for a change. Does anyone have any good FILLING brekkie ideas that only take about 5 mins to make?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

All going good

All is going good. Had a week off weights last week and did cardio only for 6 days. How boring!! but back into this week, I do miss my weights training.

I had a brain scan yesterday, I am sure it is nothing but have been suffering from really bad headaches for over a week now. These are really painful and constant, funny today has been a good day!!

Not following any particular eating plan which seems to be working for me better actually as I don't get the guilts but seem to be eating a balance of protein and veg with some fruit added in.

Kids are driving me up the wall as usual. I think that is why I don't have to do as much cardio as I am always on the go with the kids!

Monday, August 17, 2009

OMG has it been that long

I can't believe its been nearly a month since I have posted! probably because there is not that much to tell.

Training is going fine although I am having a week off weights and doing cardio only, doctors orders. He wanted me to not go to the gym for a month and I said no way am I not going, the best I can do for you is one week of no weights just cardio. I have abnormal urea readings and he thinks that my body goes into a catabolic state when I lift weights and my body isn't getting rid of the waste. Now I have no idea if this is true and I really can't see that an hour of exercise per day, 6 days a week is really going to do that. It's got to be something else in my opinion. Anyhow I am doing this for a week.

Nutrition wise not really following any plan at the moment, I actually think its better for me this way. I am just going to use my hunger as a guide so some days I may eat only 3 times, other days maybe 5 or 6 small meals. I really don't want to eat if I am not hungry and at the other end of the scale if I am hungry I don't want to wait until I next eat if that makes sense.

Bailey is 9 months old now and has 6 teeth! He is growing up so quick!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm still here

Yep got my mojo back, just shows what a new program will do for you!

My leg program is so intense now its killing me but I'm loving it. Only been doing it for a week but I feel great! I am now doing 4 days weights with 2 of the days being leg training. Cardio is done on the other 2 days and depending if I have enough time after weights will do some here and there. I only have an hour though!

Eating has been going great guns, apart from when I went down south for the weekend but hey I am usually so good so I did want to relax a little and have a couple of wines. The food wasn't that bad anyway!

On another note I am still trying to decide whether to keep advertising with the weddings website for the makeup I do for weddings. I am getting a few enquiries from it but that's about it. I want to keep doing it but if I'm getting no work what is the point. I know I need to advertise more but I also don't want to waste my money at the same time!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Plodding along

Yep just plodding along.  Lost motivation at the gym last week, still went but felt like I was just going through the motions.  I have been looking on the internet for a new program but its just confused me even more.  Been looking at the Turbulence training, but not sure I suppose its just scary trying something different I think we all get used to the same sort of training.  I'm sure I will figure something out!  I am getting an appraisal at the gym this week and the trainer will be doing me a new program so hopefully its ok, I don't always like the programs they do for me as they are usually generic but I think this guy will be ok, he hears where I am coming from!

Weighed myself today and its 53.8kg which isn't bad.  After dropping so much the previous week and then the next day it going up over a kg for no reason it seems to be slowly coming down but you know what I'm not worried about the scale weight really I reckon it just F.....s with your head.  In fact prior to this month I hadn't weighed myself for ages.

My eating is going fine I have cheated here and there but nothing major, its fitting in with my lifestyle fine!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weight 54.4kg

WTF!!! not sure how I gained 1 kilo overnight.  Nevermind this weight is still good for me and I'm still following my new eating plan so maybe TTOM is approaching.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Weight 53.3kg

Wow this is the lowest I have been in years.  I know its only 2kgs off my last weight but I have made it.  I started a new way of eating on Saturday and my goal weight was 53kg.  Its seems I have just about made it in 3 days! how bizare.  I wasn't even this weight before I fell pregnant the first time.  Feeling great and I really don't need to loose anymore.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Well I shouldn't really use the term diet but a new way of eating, this starts on Monday so will have to see how I go.  I am dedicated to stick to it for the next 12 weeks and am excited to see how it makes me feel.

I bought a new book last week off the internet it's by Tiffany Hall (The Gladiater) and its called "How to Create your Ultimate Body".  Wasn't sure what it would be like but seeing as I enjoy reading all things about food and body thought I would give it a go and I must say I am enjoying it.  It's nothing knew but it is a balanced way of eating and I reckon its one of the better books I have read.

Bailey is starting to sleep better only getting up once a night so I can cope with that, just struggling with the 6am starts that's all, probably because its still dark at this time.

Have changed my training around again so weights is now 3 times per week and cardio 3 times per week, much better for me as I need to be flexible.  Have put on 1 kilo though not surprising I need to quit the chocolate habit, that and its the TOTM.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Wrote myself a new 3 day split last night instead of the 6 days per weeks weights I have been doing as I do like to do some spin and I just can't fit in it otherwise.  Well, I surprised myself it was only on the weekend I was just thinking I'm so over all this but I did legs and shoulders this morning, no cardio and in every rep in every set I did PB's.  Can't get better than that.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Over it!

Hmmm been to the gym the last few days and less than impressed with the way I have been feeling.  Its like I'm totally over it even though I had a week off cause I was sick.  Funny thing was I went in there and said to the girl that I couldn't be bothered and wasn't going to push myself and to my surprise did some PB's.

Anyway gotta sit down this weekend and write myself a new program.  I only want to do 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio a week.  This 6 days a week of weights is starting to wear thin and its not than I'm not enjoying it but I need a change  and also if I can't make it to the gym I'm stuck whereas at least if I can't make it to the gym I can make up a cardio session at home and leave the 3 days of weights for the gym.

Anyway I'm going to have a little arvo nap when hubby wakes from his.  We had a bad night with Bailey and I'm guessing I'm still not over the galandular fever entirely.

More 2 boys, the family (and me with straight hair)!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rethinking training

Thanks girls for your comments.  I did manage to get to the gym today and did legs and I even did a couple of PB's which is surprising seeing as I'm sick but I must admist by the end of the workout I was starting to feel faint so rather than do my 20 min power walk on the treddie I rode the bike.  I know I shouldn't have gone but I really do feel much better and I will listen to my body and if I start to go down hill again will give it a rest.  I just can't seem to live without doing something and walking just doesn't seem enough, plus for some reason at the moment I can't help having something bad every day like chocolate.  Why just a few weeks ago could I stick to a regimented comp like diet for 10 weeks and now I just can't get my head around it.  Must be the fact of being sick and the kids, its damn hard work trying to fit everything in.

Anyway I was thinking about my training today and I train with weights 6 days a week, that's one body part per day, plus 30 mins cardio (powerwalking), that's 10 mins before workout and 20 mins after.  I'm thinking is this really necessary.  I love spin classes and with this sort of schedule I can't do any because I can't really be at the gym longer than an hour with 2 small kids and to be honest I don't really want to.  So either I need to come up with something where I get good results training with weights 3 times a week with 3 days of cardio and 1 rest day.  I'm not training for a comp however yes I want to look good and have some muscle definition.  I was also contemplating whether I should renew my gym membership at the end of the year or just build on my home gym or go completely the other way and get rid of the weight machine thingy I have at home and get a pilates reformer I have seen some girls who are pilates instructors who never go to the gym and they have fab looking bods.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Galandular fever

Great!  Haven't trained for a week.  Blood tests show galandular fever and another virus which is also similar to galaendur fever.  How do we fix this?  Rest.  Yeah right!!  I have had enough this week of being sick.  My sore throat has just gone after a week but today I had the worst day of being tired and achy joints.  I seriously hope I start to feel better on Monday as I need to get back into some sort of exercise.  Doc reckons I need at least 2 weeks no gym.  I have been eating crap to as I have not been up to organising food and cooking.  Damn it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm sick:(

My god i don't think my throat has ever been this sore!! It is so swollen I can hardly swallow, I couldn't even sleep last night and Bailey was up 4 times aswell!  I must of got it off him, he has another terrible cough and was spluttering all over me the other day.  I am going to see if mum can have Jay for a couple of hours just so I can rest a little!  I have the kids booked into the gym creche tomorrow morning as hubby is working all week so I hope I'm better by then but if the past has anything to do with it I will probably be sick for the rest of the week.  What is the point of having your tonsils out when you still suffer from sore throats??

Friday, May 15, 2009


I have only been to the gym once this week and that was Monday for shoulders.  What happened Monday afternoon? I pulled my back out lifting Jay off the potty.  My god I was in so much pain.  I think I pulled all the muscles in my back is was like someone just punched me and I was winded.  So this threw out my training for the whole week as I could hardly move let alone lift weights.  So Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I went for an hour walk.  Better than nothing and it was all I could do.  Friday I was sick.  We went out Thursday night for our anniversary and I had sashimi to start with and Atlantic salmon for my main with a beetroot salad.  I did have 3 glasses of red wine, so whether it was the wine, or my stomach couldn't handle that much fish I had no idea but there was no training Friday.  Today I thought about doing legs then thought I may do the bootcamp they have at the gym.  It was week 10 mind you but they let me do it and I reckon my legs are going to be sore tomorrow.  I really enjoyed it but I don't think I have done so many lunges and squats in all my life.  It was a nice change and certainly got my heart rate up.  My knees are sore from it though so I do need to be careful.  Next week I will get back into my 1 body part per day with 30mins cardio on top of it.

I went to see a natropath on Thursday and because I am getting alot of headaches I am cutting out oats (I have eaten these for 4 years straight for brekkie), diary and wheat so its basically similar to a comp diet except I can have alot of fats.  So eggs for brekkie, am going to try a pea protein shake for mid morning when I get my hands on it.  Protein and veg for lunch, fruit and seeds for arvo tea and protein and veg for dinner and some sort of snack in the evening as I always have to have something else.  Of course this is just a guide and I am going to try and stick to it but won't be worried here and there if i break it as its what you do 98% of the time that counts.

I weighed myself the other day and I am surprised that I weight in the same weight as I did before baby number 1.  In fact I think my legs are in better shape than they have ever been, however the flabby bit on me is my tummy.  It looks fine in clothes but its going to take a while I think to get flat.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm too old

The picture on the left was Jay when he was 6 months old and the picture below with the beanie is Bailey when he was 4 1/2 months.  I love my boys so much.

I'm too old for girls nights out or that is how I feel.  Went out last night and was home tucked up in bed at 10.30.  I'm not a huge drinker anymore by that I mean yes I love a couple of wines/drinks but that's about it and the thought of getting up to a baby in the night means I don't want to be out late and I certainly don't want a hangover.  As it was I came home with the worst headache and couldn't sleep all night.  I think it was the loud music, but I have been waking up with headaches EVERY day so I am thinking of seeing a natruapath so if anyone knows of a good one in Perth let me know.  I reckon my hormones are all over the place from giving birth.  I know my body got all out of whack after having Jay.

Thanks Jeh for letting me know about your gym.  I have a multipurpose one but it doesn't have cables on it, you can do alot of things it has a leg press but I don't use it much and am thinking of maybe selling it and getting something like yours as I do find alot of what I do I can't do at home.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Up the creek without a paddle

That is one way to describe my eating.  I am sleeping from 9ish until about 12ish and then its all over red rover.  Bailey just keeps getting up.  This is effecting my eating and training.  Still training but the effort and enjoyment is not there at the moment cause I'm so tired and eating well its all over the place.  I just can't seem to get organised and I'm just a walking zombie.  We are thinking of taking him to a sleep clinic I have heard its well worth the money.

Friday, April 17, 2009

No training today

Bailey has croup he has had it for a few days but i was up most of the night with him so I am beside myself as I don't function on hardly any sleep, so no training for me.  I hate it when I can't train.  I hate it when I don't sleep.  All I want for mothers day is some uninterruped sleep.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Results of my knee scan and message for mightee mouse

First of all to Mightee Mouse (Linda) I went to comment on your blog and couldn't leave a comment because my sign in is my old email which is not valid anymore, anyhow I just wanted to say that you look fantastic!!!!!!!!!  You go girl!!

Now my knees.  Basically my knees are not normal in the sense that the kneecap is supposed to be in line with your leg that's how the biomechanics of our body is so bending and flexing runs in a straight line.  My knees however tilt off to one side which means they don't run in a straight line.  They will always be like this and the more I do the more pain I will be in.  So I need advice.  As most of you know I love to lift heavy weights and one day dreamed of doing figure.  This has now been thrown out the window because if I continue to lift heavy with my legs I will damage them not to mention the pain.  The problem is I have a pear shape and have always needed weights to help change the shape of my legs.  My doc has told me that basically I should only lift around 5kg or none at all for my legs if I don't want the pain.  So what do I do?  What exercises can I do that is not going to cause me knee pain?  I am at the stage even doing nothing at the moment is just killing my knees?  Its all the bending and lifting I do with my bubs all day including weight lifing since I was 17 that has done this and I suppose I do need to change the way I exercise or I may do further damage.  


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stomach issues

I feel like I am falling to pieces.  Maybe I trained too hard after giving birth.  Not only am I still having knee issues (I think I may go to the doctor and get a scan because if he tells me just to rest well that aint going to happen unless I have some definite diagnosis) this last week I am having stomach issues.  I am wondering if maybe I have an allergy to something.  I feel ok until I eat my oats in the morning and then I get stomach pains and feel like I have a bubbly tummy until the afternoon.  Yesterday we went out for lunch and I had a beautiful salad but it came with some flat sort of bread and I ate that and had the same sort of thing after.  Is it a bug? or is it something in oats and bread? hmmm, may have something different for breakfast tomorrow and see what happens.  Incidently I was ok after eating tea last night, we had a chicken done on the bbq and roast veggies??????

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Just a few pics from the christening.  We had Bailey's christening yesterday and he was as good as gold!  You can see compared to my 2 year old he is going to be a big boy!

Training is going well.  I have only 2 kgs to go to pre-pregnancy but not worried.  I lost another kilo without even trying and I even had a few drinks that week!!

For those of you who don't know I do makeup so I had a wedding to do this weekend.  I get such enjoyment at transforming people and making them look gorgeous.  I am hoping to pick up some more work as I love doing this.  Got a few enquiries for this year and another booked for end of year so fingers crossed.  Need to work on advertising I think!!  OOh gotta go bubs is up.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Holy moly

This photo is quite old now.  Jay looks tired and well Bailey is much bigger now.  I think this was taken at the end of January so Bailey was 3 months old.

My chest is sore.  I finished my diet and training with my online trainer and achieved exactly what I wanted to achieve.  I had a lady come up to me this morning in spin saying were you the pregnant one not so long ago to which i replied yes.  She said my god you are so tiny to which I told her that it has been pure hard work to get where I am now.  So i have eased up on the diet and basically as long as eat fairly heathly and balanced I am happy and have devised my own weight training of 3 days weights the other days cardio.  I was missing my cardio with doing weights 6 days a week and with a toddler and a baby I just can't keep going that way as it was making me so tired not to mention that I am always up in the night with Bailey so although I still need to train hard for me it is all about balance.

I still need a boob job!!!!!!!!!

Oh forgot to mention my poor little bub has got 2 teeth.  He turned 5 months 2 days ago and he got 2 teeth at 4 1/2 months.  Talk about early!!!

What else............just had a cup of cocoa for the first time in like 10 years and it hasn't gone down well, got tummy ache now so think I will just stick to a protein shake if I'm hungry after dinner:(

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Need some advice..

I need some advice.  My knees seem to be getting worse and worse the more I workout.  I can't run anyway so that doesn't bother me as I can do other cardio and I love rpm.  The issue here is my leg workouts.  I am in fear I will become a cripple.  Is this the end of doing legs with weights?  Do I need to seek other ways of working out like pilates.  I could really do with some advice as I don't want to make my situation worse.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Burgers anyone..

Found this great new burger joint in Subiaco and Hillarys and the burgers are to die for.  When we went to the one in Hillarys a few weeks ago i just had a chicken salad as I am dieting but yesterday I had my cheat meal and had one.  The meat just melts in your mouth and you can actually taste it.  It's not fatty at all and they are just lovely gormet burgers and they don't come with chips unless you order a serve and geez I enjyed every mouthful with a lovely glass of wine.  Jay was in daycare and we took Bailey in the pram who was just happy to sit there and play and watch us eat.  It's funny though, the burger was not huge just average but not small either, actually hard to explain and I didn't feel full after I ate in fact I could have had another:) but I couldn't eat for the rest of the day, just didn't feel like eating and I've also had a funny day eating wise today, not really that hungry.  Oh well.

Rest day tomorrow bring it on.  I think I am just about due for a week off.  I lift 6 days a week with a little cardio and I feel like I am just not gaining anymore strength and it is all getting too hard, so in 3 weeks when I finish this program I think I will take a week off from weights and maybe just walk for cardio.  I am also looking forward to getting back into not so much strict dieting I am getting rather bored of chicken and green beans and don't get me wrong I could have fish or brocoli but at the moment its easy just to chuck some green beans in the microwave steamer for 4 mins.  I run out of time with the baby and toddler and then when they go to bed I don't want to prepare meals I need some time just to sit and gather my thoughts before going to bed rather early as Bailey still gets up a couple of times in the night and I need to get as much sleep as I can.  Yes I am being a princess!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Still hanging in there..

Yes I am still doing ok.  Training spot on nutrition spot on most of the time.  It has been a trying few weeks.  Bailey keeps getting up a few times in the night and decides its play time so needless to say I am not getting alot of sleep at the moment and we all know what happens if you don't get enough sleep, things tend to slide, food being the first.  I am just so tired all the time and I am finding it hard to actually catch up on sleep.  I am feeling dead.  I am still training only missed 1 session last week and that was because I was up ALL night with Bailey, but it makes me think how much is too much.  Don't get me wrong I love training it makes me feel great and I can see the results and the diet is fine but I much can we push ourselves physically and mentally before we break.  I have only started to think about this the last few days after much sleep deprivation.  Sleep fixes everything or breaks everything.  That is why sometimes my nutrition is not spot on.  Not eating junk just not always eating what is on the plan or sometimes it can be missing meals.  I think 95% of the time I am doing ok.

Sent through my updated pics and according to Tony I am doing great so I guess no need to worry.  I am giving myself 12 weeks and I think I have 4 weeks to go.  After that I am on my own which is fine with me, I could only afford to do 12 weeks to kickstart me after having bubs.  At least I can fit into most of my old clothes.

Anyway I think I better go bubs has just gone down for a nap which means I want to try and get 30mins of zzzz's.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Going well

Things are going well.  I love having an online trainer who gives me different workouts each day it stops me having to figure out what I need to do.  I am getting stronger and can see a change in my body.  6 weeks down 6 weeks to go.  I have been good most of the time.  I am allowing myself a cheat meal once a week but i must admit we went to a bbq last weekend and I had 4 wines aswell but I am ok with this.

It is Jay's 2nd birthday on Thursday so we are having a party for him on Sunday.  Should be good but I have so much to organise!!

In regards to Bailey I think I am going to start him on rice cereal.  He is only 15 weeks old but is waking twice a night for a feed and just seems so hungry at night so will give him a little and his bottle before he goes to bed to see if that makes a difference.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tired, Tired, Tired

Yep in a nutshell that is me.  I think it is the weather, and the fact the gym doesn't cope well in the warm weather and its so hot in there, even though they have the air-con on its not exactly cold when you walk in.  Eating has been good except for last night, being Australia Day we went over the mum and dad's to take the kids for a swim and i ended up having a small porting of cannelloni with salad and 4 drinks!!! oh and an ice-cream.  Don't know what came over me but this will be my cheat meal for the week.  I think it was a bit more than a cheat meal but I can't take it back.

I am starting to struggle food wise, I think its because I am not making my food very interesting and it lacks flavour, but with a baby and a young toddler I really don't have time to spend cooking on myself and at the moment I am cooking for me and something different for hubby and son.  By the time the end of the day comes around I do need an hour or so just to myself without running around doing chores.  As it is most nights I am in bed by 9.00pm just so I get enough sleep to take me through the next day.

Training is going really well and I have noticed my body has come along way in 4 weeks.  I can fit back into my size 8 shorts.  They are certainly not loose on me but they fit.  I just got to keep focussed for another few weeks.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

AAARRGGGH I had chocolate

Oh my god I was like a woman possessed.  I was going to kill someone if I didn't have chocolate.  Now I have no idea what came over me.  The only thing I can think of was I have been 100% for 3 weeks now.  No cheating, no craving nothing.  Yesterday I just gagged on all my food.  I didn't want it, and I didn't like it.  Anyhow I had chocolate.  I feel guilty and I hope it hasn't affected my weight loss too bad.  I feel bad this morning as it has made me wake up with a headache, toilet issues and I just feel blah.  That will teach me.  Anyhow the good thing is I am looking forward to getting on the bandwagon this morning.  At least the positive thing I can find is it was just one meal I slipped up on the rest were good.  I am human, I am very tired and I am training my guts out plus looking after a baby and a toddler under 2 so I have to realise this and give myself some slack.  Once I have achieved my goal I certainly won't be killing myself like I am now and will come to a happy medium with eating and exercise, after all I do want to be able to have a wine when I want it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Going well

I can't believe how well I am going.  Sticking to all nutrition and workouts.  I must admit though I am working damn hard I better see the results for all this training as it is wearing me down.

Check out Dreambodies blog:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sticking to it

Well it has just about been a week now and have stuck to training and diet 100% and the good news is I am not finding it difficult.  I weighed myself on Monday and it showed scale weight I had lost a kilo.  At that stage I had been on diet since Thursday so not bad for 4 days.  I am trying not to weight myself too much but I can't resist the temptation to see how I am going.  I have noticed the difference already in my body when I look in the mirror but after all most of it is pregnancy weight so things like my tummy should go back quite quickly with the right diet and training.  At least with clothes on I look ok.

Not much else to say really other than that just looking after my toddler and baby which takes up most of my time as well as doing things around the house.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Going great guns

What can I say?  Things are going really well.  Still feel a bit empty from the diet but been 100%.  The only thing I have struggled with is my ab workouts as I only had bub 9 weeks ago my abs have still not come together and I have no strength there so my form is non existent.  After an hour of ab work my whole body was hurting not my abs so it is going to take alot of work to get this right.

Enjoying my workouts enjoying eating right and am sleeping much better.  It is day 4 today and I got my period yesterday so I am surprised I have had no cravings.  I have noticed my patience is a little worse for wear today but overall I am ok!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Feeling Great

Yesterday was first day of my diet and although I felt "light" headed most of the day I didn't feel hungry and no cravings.  I did pee though way to much.  I need to drink 3 litres a day and boy did I pee.  I did 45 mins on cross trainer at home as gym was closed whilst my 2 babies were sleeping.

Today I got my program and went to the gym and had a brilliant workout.  When you put you mind to things its amazing the change you feel.  As I left the gym owners even said to me that I looked like I had a good workout and I did.  Diet on track again today.  We went to the shops this morning and hubby had a chicken, mushroom and cheese crepe which I love but I didn't even look twice at it.  I am really determined!!