Friday, November 20, 2009

What is my problem?

Warning: Winey post ahead!

I am tired and cranky! No its not the time of the month. This week I have been really struggling with the gym again. I have been fine with my weights but severe DOMS has made me tired and cranky. At the moment I am finding it really hard having DOMS and trying to look after my babies (no not my boobs, my kids!). I almost feel I can't cope with everything! I am wondering perhaps if I am overtraining? I know after Tuesday next week when I get my boobs done I will be having some time off training which I think will do me the world of good, but I also battle with myself mentally. I feel I train hard enough and am at the point where my body is not quite where I would like it. One half of me wants to be super lean with muscle as I think its very sexy, but the other half of me feels like why I am putting in all the effort and not reaping the results especially if it is making me so tired. I need the energy to be able to look after my children properly. It makes me wonder if I should change my training and just train to be happy and fit rather than focus on how much I can lift and what I look like.

I am toying with the idea of maybe doing some pilates but again that would mean not doing some weight training as I only have 6 days I can train and won't fit it all in. Since having Bailey I can't seem to get my stomach flat and I know my abs have not tied back together, so wondering if I should do some pilates to get my core back and for flexibility and then throw a couple of days of weights in just to keep my muscles where they are. Oh who knows what to do I think I put too much effort into thinking about my fitness. HELP!


  1. Hi Sarah, have you implemented all the advice with regards to how much you should be eating that Michelle gave you at breakfast? My thought is you're not getting enough nutrients in your body to fuel your training xxx

  2. I thought I had but maybe I haven't or maybe my portions are not correct. I think you are probably right and I actually think that maybe I am not eating enough for my body (even though I think I am). I am thinking after I get my boobs done maybe to get one of those metabolic tests done so that I know how many calories my body can take. I am feeling a bit better today probably had something to do with the Thai takeaway we had a mums, I had a good feed!
