Saturday, April 25, 2009

Up the creek without a paddle

That is one way to describe my eating.  I am sleeping from 9ish until about 12ish and then its all over red rover.  Bailey just keeps getting up.  This is effecting my eating and training.  Still training but the effort and enjoyment is not there at the moment cause I'm so tired and eating well its all over the place.  I just can't seem to get organised and I'm just a walking zombie.  We are thinking of taking him to a sleep clinic I have heard its well worth the money.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you manage to sort out the sleep issue soon - sleep has gotta be one of the most important things huh - can not function without it - I am one of those ppl who have to have my 8 hours minimum a night to be effective!!!!

    My gym is one of those ones when the cables run up and down the whole length of the bar so you can do EVERYTHING from lat pull downs, cable cross overs, seated row - everything - its fabulous. Also got a decline/incline bench with leg ext/curl attachment, and I already had a bench press and another large bar that I will rig up next break for squats. So the only thing I am unable to do is leg press - so on those days I just need to visit a gym. So hapy with it - it is going to be awesome for training ppl with once I get my qualification. Cost about $3500 - but I am paying it off with an interest free thingy from Orbit fitness. xoxo
