Thursday, December 3, 2009


So today is day 1 of detox. I am doing the Quick Cleanse detox which basically is no processed food, dairy, meat of any kind etc but lots of veggies, fruit, salad sandwiches for lunch, oats and fruit for brekky, and bean dishes for dinner. I wanted to do a detox that had real food and wansn't simply a fad. So day 1 is going well. I am really surprised I haven't been at all hungry and have had to use my watch to remember to eat otherwise I would have gone without eating. It is nice to have bread in the diet which I don't normally have. I am doing this for only 1 week as after surgery I want to clean my body of all the drugs and stuff that have gone into my system. I am severly bloated which I am putting down to the anesthetic and I look about 5 months pregnant. It doesn't help that I can't exercise either, but I am sure once I get back into it in about 6 weeks changes will happen quickly.

I am still really sore but probably improving about 10% each day which is a start. I will start back at the gym on Tuesday which means I would have had a complete 2 weeks of rest, and then that will only be riding the bike for 4 weeks.


  1. U still sound like u r really sore. Glad it is getting better, hang in there. Cleanse sounds great. I don't eat dairy or soy bc my baby seems to be allergic. I miss cookies and frozen yogurt.

  2. Hey kiddo... how is your detox going? And your recovery? xxx
