Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas is over

and I am so glad I didn't overindulge. The only extra I had was 3 glasses of bubbly on xmas day and 2 beers on boxing day but food was pretty good and I have got to say that over all I was glad I didn't stuff myself and glad I stuck to Turkey and salad with a small taste of dessert.

So, surgery wise I am very happy with my boobs, but I am still suffering with my infection although it is slowly getting better. I saw a surgeon on xmas eve as my surgeon is currently in Adelaide and he put a needle in my boob to try and drain this infection/lump. I think this has helped as it is slowly going down but I have a long way to go. This has put my exercise back another few weeks so won't be doing much until after I see my surgeon on 21st January but to be honest I can tell I am no where near lifting weights for a while. I am ok with this at the moment strangely enough! My gym membership is up for renewal and for the time being I am not renewing it until I decide what I want to achieve. I just can't wait to start feeling normal again and being allowed to exercise again as it has been 5 weeks tomorrow and I was supposed to be able to be back at the gym on the 6 week mark.

On another note, hubby and I bought ourselves a WII for xmas. Oh my god it is so much fun! I can't wait until my boobs are better so I can fully get into it. Of course I bought all the fitness ones but for me this will not replace my fitness sessions but these will be my fun sessions whilst doing something different!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fat Arse!

I knew I had a fat ass but seriously I just had the worst bather shopping experience. Why do they make bikini bottoms so tiny? I opted for some short billabong shorts and a bikini top, more flattering for my figure but this really has me upset as I work my butt off in the gym and eat well most of the time so it makes me want to give up if i can't have the ass i want!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Detox done and dusted

Ok so detox went fine. I must admit I only did it for 6 days instead of 7 but I had really bad dirrahea and didn't really want to do another day. I had no cravings whilst on it and didn't feel particularly hungry so that was good.

On another note for the first time in my life I am not missing the gym at all. This is really odd as this is the longest I haven't exercised for. Now I know before I had this surgery I was getting really bored of the gym and at the moment I have no desire to go back. I do have another 4 weeks anyway before I am allowed to exercise but it has got me thinking about what I really want and how I want to go about it. For some reason my body actually looks better since I haven't been to the gym than when I have been working out really hard so I am not sure why. So this has got me thinking of maybe taking a gentler approach to exercise, maybe incorporating some pilates with some weights and cardio. My legs actually look smaller which i am happy about, they just need to be tighter so maybe I am working too hard at the gym. Who knows, all I know is all the effort I put in seems to not be paying off, I why be so obsessive about my diet when at the end of the day I am not even competing? You know what my goals truly are now, to have a fit and functional body. Sure I want to be lean and toned but you know what, I don't really care about how much muscle I have. Going back a couple of months ago, yeah I wanted to build muscle but I am sick and tired of just trying too hard. So I think I am going to slow down a little and just mix things up a little. I have 2 little kids to look after on very little sleep and the last thing I want to do really is kill myself at the gym, and this is how I feel.

My membership is up for renewal at the end of December and I will probably re-new but to be honest I am so tempted just to work out at home as I do have a gym set-up but I think I know deep down this may not work for me as I do believe I need to get away from the house to get the motivation and peace and quiet to work out. The other option was to do pilates and join the pilates studio as a member and then possibly do 2 weights workouts a week at home, although this is a more expensive option than the gym.


Thursday, December 3, 2009


So today is day 1 of detox. I am doing the Quick Cleanse detox which basically is no processed food, dairy, meat of any kind etc but lots of veggies, fruit, salad sandwiches for lunch, oats and fruit for brekky, and bean dishes for dinner. I wanted to do a detox that had real food and wansn't simply a fad. So day 1 is going well. I am really surprised I haven't been at all hungry and have had to use my watch to remember to eat otherwise I would have gone without eating. It is nice to have bread in the diet which I don't normally have. I am doing this for only 1 week as after surgery I want to clean my body of all the drugs and stuff that have gone into my system. I am severly bloated which I am putting down to the anesthetic and I look about 5 months pregnant. It doesn't help that I can't exercise either, but I am sure once I get back into it in about 6 weeks changes will happen quickly.

I am still really sore but probably improving about 10% each day which is a start. I will start back at the gym on Tuesday which means I would have had a complete 2 weeks of rest, and then that will only be riding the bike for 4 weeks.