Friday, June 19, 2009


Well I shouldn't really use the term diet but a new way of eating, this starts on Monday so will have to see how I go.  I am dedicated to stick to it for the next 12 weeks and am excited to see how it makes me feel.

I bought a new book last week off the internet it's by Tiffany Hall (The Gladiater) and its called "How to Create your Ultimate Body".  Wasn't sure what it would be like but seeing as I enjoy reading all things about food and body thought I would give it a go and I must say I am enjoying it.  It's nothing knew but it is a balanced way of eating and I reckon its one of the better books I have read.

Bailey is starting to sleep better only getting up once a night so I can cope with that, just struggling with the 6am starts that's all, probably because its still dark at this time.

Have changed my training around again so weights is now 3 times per week and cardio 3 times per week, much better for me as I need to be flexible.  Have put on 1 kilo though not surprising I need to quit the chocolate habit, that and its the TOTM.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there,
    thought I drop by & say hello.
    I'm looking forward to starting as well, and the possibilitys of losing some of my weight.
    you have a beautiful family & you look awesome for someone that has had 2 kids especially only 7 months ago, but we all have our own ideal & there all different.
    looking forward to chatting more...
