Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ah the diet has begun

I know, how many people start new diets and fitness fads on New Years.  Mine is here to stay it just seemed the right time and really had nothing to do with the new year, just the right time to start shedding my baby fat.  Bailey is in a better routine I am managing to get hims down around 7pm or 8pm at night and the last few nights he has only been getting up once.  I have no excuses anyway as I have an online trainer!!

Didn't go overboard last night just had mum and dad over for bbq and nibbles.  I did have 4 glasses of champagne but that was from 4pm and I don't feel crappy this morning.  

So I am feeling refreshed, motivated and I know I can do it.  It is simply just getting back into my healthy habits I had before falling pregnant.  Thank god I am not having any more kids!!

Hope everyone had a great night and looking forward to reading everyone's blog for the New Year!!