Saturday, March 7, 2009

Burgers anyone..

Found this great new burger joint in Subiaco and Hillarys and the burgers are to die for.  When we went to the one in Hillarys a few weeks ago i just had a chicken salad as I am dieting but yesterday I had my cheat meal and had one.  The meat just melts in your mouth and you can actually taste it.  It's not fatty at all and they are just lovely gormet burgers and they don't come with chips unless you order a serve and geez I enjyed every mouthful with a lovely glass of wine.  Jay was in daycare and we took Bailey in the pram who was just happy to sit there and play and watch us eat.  It's funny though, the burger was not huge just average but not small either, actually hard to explain and I didn't feel full after I ate in fact I could have had another:) but I couldn't eat for the rest of the day, just didn't feel like eating and I've also had a funny day eating wise today, not really that hungry.  Oh well.

Rest day tomorrow bring it on.  I think I am just about due for a week off.  I lift 6 days a week with a little cardio and I feel like I am just not gaining anymore strength and it is all getting too hard, so in 3 weeks when I finish this program I think I will take a week off from weights and maybe just walk for cardio.  I am also looking forward to getting back into not so much strict dieting I am getting rather bored of chicken and green beans and don't get me wrong I could have fish or brocoli but at the moment its easy just to chuck some green beans in the microwave steamer for 4 mins.  I run out of time with the baby and toddler and then when they go to bed I don't want to prepare meals I need some time just to sit and gather my thoughts before going to bed rather early as Bailey still gets up a couple of times in the night and I need to get as much sleep as I can.  Yes I am being a princess!!


  1. Hi there sweetie,
    I like keeping things simple too and yes sometimes it gets abit of a bore butu hang in there I am sure you will get over this hump and be all the more stronger for it :)

  2. Hi there sweetie,
    I dont mind you asking at all :)

    My hubby and I were growing apart, we had been together on and off through high school then moved out together at the young age of 16.
    We were ingaged at 17 and decided that we wanted to start a family and I think that was when the cracks started to appear at 19 we were parents, I was doing all the work at home my ex thought that all he had to do was work and bring the money home so that really made the cracks larger.
    Then after Wil was born I decided I wanted more and I wanted to better myself and as i was changing for the better my ex just got jealous and nasty.
    The fights got worse and they started to happen in front of the children, I sucked up the courage to tell him to leave when things started to get to the point that I just wasnt coping anymore and when he left it was over.
    The hurting stopped and the happiness crept back in.
    It took awhile to get back on my feet, I moved in with my mum and she helped me to get on my feet and out on my own :)
    My ex was very nasty at first, he didnt handle the seperation well at all. But now we are good friends and he has the children once a fortnight for a sleep over and he helps pay for Wil's daycare and he puts the childsupport into my account like clock work.
    It took alot of patients and tongue bitting on my behalf as my ex was very angry and vented alot on me never physical though just harsh words.
    But i am stronger than ever now, and now I only have myself to answer to and I am so happy and so are my children :)
    If you have any questions hun dont hestate to ask, I am happy to share my story :)
    Good luck hun, its a tough decision but you have to ask yourself are you happy? and if you say no then you have to ask yourself how do you expect your children are feeling? even as young as your lilttle ones are they know when something isnt right.
    Em :)

  3. If you ever need to talk hun I am always here :)

    Its tough right now, but it will get easier.

