So its interesting to learn that I have been on the primal blueprint lifestyle for 2 weeks now and have been about 80% compliant. This takes into account a few wines during the week. Now yesterday I had mum and dad over for breakfast and made bircher muesli and I had about 1/2 cup and also had some chocolate during the day. What happened? It send me up for hunger, cravings and I also woke up with a massive headache today. Now apart from yesterday for the 2 weeks I have been primal I have been feeling fantastic, have so much energy, I am at my lowest weight ever, my stomach has gone flat and I have even had some positive comments at the gym, all in less than 2 weeks. It is definatley working for me and I love the fact I am not getting hungry and I can take it or leave it for food and I am completely satisfied. This is a lifestyle I will be sticking to and it is so damn easy. I don't feel at all deprived and I don't have to worry if I eat or not.
Anyway its 10.45 and I am still in my PJ's. Not sure if I will work out today or not. I should but my body is telling me not to with my headache. Usually I listen to my head but with this new lifestyle I am starting to listen to my body. Hubby has gone back to bed he still has a bad ear infection from Broome over 2 weeks ago so that is part of the reason I haven't been to the gym and I can't workout tonight as we are going to a bbq at 4pm, so I either need to get my butt in gear and workout from home or just have another rest day.
I work again tomorrow and finish at 12.30pm and then I am getting my hair coloured. Hubby can do the food shopping for me and the kids are in daycare so I will probably go to the gym at 6am tomorrow.
hey Sarah! I got my hormones tested through a pharmacy - I just got an order form from them - its saliva testing, not blood, hope this helps some!