I trained legs the other day at the gym as that is all I can do at the moment aswell as bike, stepper or powerwalking on treadmill and may I say it is getting very, very boring! I decided to get my program the fitness RX mag that I get free digitally online so it was all about unilateral training, training 1 leg at a time and I used only my bodyweight for most of the exercises as I didn't want to push myself too hard until I get the A ok from the surgeon. Anyhow, I am very surprised that I can hardly walk! my legs and butt are killing me so it just goes to show you can have a very good workout without killing yourself too much! now because I can hardly move though I will have to wait to do another lower body session until Friday.
What else, let me see, I am very tired at the moment. Bailey is getting worse with his waking at night not better so not sure what is going on there but this better not continue for much longer as I can't cope with myself. This has been going on since he was born but its just seems to be getting worse. I am up 3 times most nights so what with trying to get back to sleep in between plus my other child getting up at 5.30am I am simply not getting enough sleep!
Gotta go bubs is screaming, he doesn't seem to be going down.
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