Sunday, November 1, 2009

Over analysing everthing

I realise I have been overanalysing everything in order to get 'the perfect body'.

I train heavy, I train hard, I watch my diet most of the time but it is obviously not consistent enough or I would have the perfect body.

I stress each day about training, aslong as I get it in first thing in the morning I am fine, but otherwise I will panic all day until it gets completed.

What is this doing to me? With 2 young babies it is making me extremely tired. What am I going to do about it? I have just started Turbulence Training today. I do not compete so why should I train a body part per day aswell as cardio. I need something different as doing what I am already doing is obviously not working, and I want something fun and not stress about how many sets I do per bodypart etc. I want to get fit, so I am using these programs as they are fun and will certainly get me fit. Diet wise, I will eat healthy and not worry about the carb/fat/protein content of everyting I put in my mouth. It's not working for me all the overanalysing of things.

It's funny because I look at how my body looked back in my early 20's when yes I still trained at the gym 6 days a week but I didn't worry about the protein or carb content of food I just ate healthy, through some weights in 3 days a week, did bodystep, bodypump and what ever I felt like doing aslong as I was doing something, and the funny thing was I was leaner and had better abs than now.

So that's what I am going to do again. Stop all this overanalysing and just train hard, BUT enjoy it and not be so padantic about it. I have an hour each day to train so want to pack it full but start enjoying it again:) I have too many other things to worry about and the more I want to look a certain way the more I don't.

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