Sunday, November 29, 2009


I am thinking the workout I had the day before surgery may not have been a good idea.

I had my implants behind the muscle which I knew was going to be painful and take a longer recovery but hell I didn't know it was going to be this bad. I think we take for granted how much we use the pecs in every day life and how often we use our arms. The reason I went behind the muscle is I had very little breast tissue so it needed to be done this way, plus it will look more natural on my frame.

So one week down and I am still feeling very sore and sorry for myself. I have been told this can last for a while. I have yet to appreciate my new boobs as I just want to get back to normal. I don't regret for a moment having it done but I will never, ever get it done again. Lets hope I will never need to. I haven't even thought about training and to be honest at this point I really don't care about it!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Good Training

Woke up again tired today, doesn't help that Jay woke up at 5.20am. So I wanted to get in 1 more workout before my surgery tomorrow even though I really didn't feel like it and had no motivation again. Dragged my butt to the gym and decided I wasn't going to stick to my program and seeing it would only be for 1 day and I won't be training again for 6 weeks I decided to do a full body workout and would just decide what to do when I got to gym aslong as I did an hour. So I warmed up on the bike for 5 mins, then did:
3 x 20 walking lunges on each leg with 4 kg superset with 3 x 20 shoulder presses
3 x 20 tricep rope pulldowns superset with 3 x 20 bicep curls
3 x 15 smith machine chest press superset with 3 x 20 db squats
3 x 20 seated row superset with 3 x 20 crunches
3 x 20 bb deadlifts superset with 3 x 20 machines crunches
10 mins bike
So I think I covered everything and acheived what I set out to do. The good thing was it had my heart rate up so I would have burnt more calories, and it was nice to do the lighter weights with higher reps rather than the lower reps heavy weights I have been doing. It was nice also to walk out the gym feeling like I have worked out but not feeling like I have killed myself.
The other thing I noticed was I did the deadlifts with a 22.5kg barbell and I could actually feel it working. So why then when I use the squat rack barbell loaded with 20kg (I think total it is 4okg) and it is heavy, do I not feel it so much?

So wish me luck for surgery tomorrow!

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is my problem?

Warning: Winey post ahead!

I am tired and cranky! No its not the time of the month. This week I have been really struggling with the gym again. I have been fine with my weights but severe DOMS has made me tired and cranky. At the moment I am finding it really hard having DOMS and trying to look after my babies (no not my boobs, my kids!). I almost feel I can't cope with everything! I am wondering perhaps if I am overtraining? I know after Tuesday next week when I get my boobs done I will be having some time off training which I think will do me the world of good, but I also battle with myself mentally. I feel I train hard enough and am at the point where my body is not quite where I would like it. One half of me wants to be super lean with muscle as I think its very sexy, but the other half of me feels like why I am putting in all the effort and not reaping the results especially if it is making me so tired. I need the energy to be able to look after my children properly. It makes me wonder if I should change my training and just train to be happy and fit rather than focus on how much I can lift and what I look like.

I am toying with the idea of maybe doing some pilates but again that would mean not doing some weight training as I only have 6 days I can train and won't fit it all in. Since having Bailey I can't seem to get my stomach flat and I know my abs have not tied back together, so wondering if I should do some pilates to get my core back and for flexibility and then throw a couple of days of weights in just to keep my muscles where they are. Oh who knows what to do I think I put too much effort into thinking about my fitness. HELP!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nothing really

to report that is. Still doing my turbulence training at the gym, have one more week to go then I will be getting my boobs done and therefore no training for 6 weeks. So my plan of action or no action I should say will be putting my gym membership on hold for 2 weeks, so I will be doing nothing but resting for 2 weeks. After this time I will go back to the gym for 4 weeks but ONLY sit on the recumbant (not sure if that is how it is spelt) so I am keeping the body moving without putting my boobs in jeapardy. After spending this sort of money of them I really need to listen to the surgeon. Once the 6 week mark hits I will do a 12 week challenge but obviously be careful in that region. It's really my lower half anyway that needs the 12 week challenge it does need to catch up to the top half so am not worried if I only have to go light with the upper body.

I have noticed though this last week I am really struggling at the gym again. I do have my period so maybe this has something to do with it, but it starts from when I get up. I have no motivation to go and even when I start I have no motivation but I do leave after having a good workout! Maybe I just need to go back to plain old basic heavy lifting!!

Anyway enough rambling better get back to cooking.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Loving it!

Turbulence training rocks! It is good to do something different although I must admit its hard to get the mind around it sometimes, just so used to training specific bodyparts per day, but its getting my heart rate up and that is what I want. A change is as good as a holiday.

On other news I am officially redundant, which I am ok with as the money will come in handy (new boobs on the 24th!) and then I think next year will look into doing something I really want to do a couple of days a week, just need to figure out what my niche is. Am working with a career planning agency complimentary of my work, to help me figure this all out as not sure whether I should wait until the kiddies go to school or start now. I have to realise though I will never work full-time again regardless its just too hard with 2 children and I believe they need me at home.

Yes, I am getting new boobs on 24th which means no training supposedly for 6 weeks. That is going to kill me but I suppose I can walk and I am sure there are other things I can do, so will look into it, then I think I will do a 12 week challenge after to get the body firing again!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Over analysing everthing

I realise I have been overanalysing everything in order to get 'the perfect body'.

I train heavy, I train hard, I watch my diet most of the time but it is obviously not consistent enough or I would have the perfect body.

I stress each day about training, aslong as I get it in first thing in the morning I am fine, but otherwise I will panic all day until it gets completed.

What is this doing to me? With 2 young babies it is making me extremely tired. What am I going to do about it? I have just started Turbulence Training today. I do not compete so why should I train a body part per day aswell as cardio. I need something different as doing what I am already doing is obviously not working, and I want something fun and not stress about how many sets I do per bodypart etc. I want to get fit, so I am using these programs as they are fun and will certainly get me fit. Diet wise, I will eat healthy and not worry about the carb/fat/protein content of everyting I put in my mouth. It's not working for me all the overanalysing of things.

It's funny because I look at how my body looked back in my early 20's when yes I still trained at the gym 6 days a week but I didn't worry about the protein or carb content of food I just ate healthy, through some weights in 3 days a week, did bodystep, bodypump and what ever I felt like doing aslong as I was doing something, and the funny thing was I was leaner and had better abs than now.

So that's what I am going to do again. Stop all this overanalysing and just train hard, BUT enjoy it and not be so padantic about it. I have an hour each day to train so want to pack it full but start enjoying it again:) I have too many other things to worry about and the more I want to look a certain way the more I don't.