Friday, May 15, 2009


I have only been to the gym once this week and that was Monday for shoulders.  What happened Monday afternoon? I pulled my back out lifting Jay off the potty.  My god I was in so much pain.  I think I pulled all the muscles in my back is was like someone just punched me and I was winded.  So this threw out my training for the whole week as I could hardly move let alone lift weights.  So Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I went for an hour walk.  Better than nothing and it was all I could do.  Friday I was sick.  We went out Thursday night for our anniversary and I had sashimi to start with and Atlantic salmon for my main with a beetroot salad.  I did have 3 glasses of red wine, so whether it was the wine, or my stomach couldn't handle that much fish I had no idea but there was no training Friday.  Today I thought about doing legs then thought I may do the bootcamp they have at the gym.  It was week 10 mind you but they let me do it and I reckon my legs are going to be sore tomorrow.  I really enjoyed it but I don't think I have done so many lunges and squats in all my life.  It was a nice change and certainly got my heart rate up.  My knees are sore from it though so I do need to be careful.  Next week I will get back into my 1 body part per day with 30mins cardio on top of it.

I went to see a natropath on Thursday and because I am getting alot of headaches I am cutting out oats (I have eaten these for 4 years straight for brekkie), diary and wheat so its basically similar to a comp diet except I can have alot of fats.  So eggs for brekkie, am going to try a pea protein shake for mid morning when I get my hands on it.  Protein and veg for lunch, fruit and seeds for arvo tea and protein and veg for dinner and some sort of snack in the evening as I always have to have something else.  Of course this is just a guide and I am going to try and stick to it but won't be worried here and there if i break it as its what you do 98% of the time that counts.

I weighed myself the other day and I am surprised that I weight in the same weight as I did before baby number 1.  In fact I think my legs are in better shape than they have ever been, however the flabby bit on me is my tummy.  It looks fine in clothes but its going to take a while I think to get flat.

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