Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Results of my knee scan and message for mightee mouse

First of all to Mightee Mouse (Linda) I went to comment on your blog and couldn't leave a comment because my sign in is my old email which is not valid anymore, anyhow I just wanted to say that you look fantastic!!!!!!!!!  You go girl!!

Now my knees.  Basically my knees are not normal in the sense that the kneecap is supposed to be in line with your leg that's how the biomechanics of our body is so bending and flexing runs in a straight line.  My knees however tilt off to one side which means they don't run in a straight line.  They will always be like this and the more I do the more pain I will be in.  So I need advice.  As most of you know I love to lift heavy weights and one day dreamed of doing figure.  This has now been thrown out the window because if I continue to lift heavy with my legs I will damage them not to mention the pain.  The problem is I have a pear shape and have always needed weights to help change the shape of my legs.  My doc has told me that basically I should only lift around 5kg or none at all for my legs if I don't want the pain.  So what do I do?  What exercises can I do that is not going to cause me knee pain?  I am at the stage even doing nothing at the moment is just killing my knees?  Its all the bending and lifting I do with my bubs all day including weight lifing since I was 17 that has done this and I suppose I do need to change the way I exercise or I may do further damage.  


1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah, thanks for your Kind words :)
    That's bad news about your knees - but I wouldn't give up hope just yet. Do you see a physio? It would prob be good to see one or someone more specialised in sports medicine than a GP - they tend to err greatly on the side of caution (understandably). I have heard of your knee problem before in a client - I gave her things like sissy squats (only shallow) and shallow lunges. I can understand your frustration at not being allowed to go heavy, but you CAN get great legs with light weights or no weights. Look at sprinters legs - they pretty much only do running (short & fast bursts). I have also been converted to bodyweight squats & pylometrics recently & have been really happy with the results.
    Sorry for the long post, but I hear ya! All is not lost OK!

